Songs and albums

We have found out that the praise isn´t anything which can be taught or drilled. The praise isn´t the right technique or good songs. It´s something which comes from up above and we only enter into it. If we try to “make” praise here on the earth, it is artificial, aimed to a man or technical equipment.

We have found out that the praise isn´t anything which can be taught or drilled. The praise isn´t the right technique or good songs. It´s something which comes from up above and we only enter into it. If we try to “make” praise here on the earth, it is artificial, aimed to a man or technical equipment. Some time it burns people, but sooner or later they will feel its emptiness. If the praise is something that comes out from us, it is influenced by our feeling. If we enter into the “river”, which is coming out from under the throne of Lamb /Ezekiel 47/, we experience the reality, which overcomes us, fills us, gives life, heels, releases. We desire for such moments. God every day prepares us for it – every morning He waits for our heart. He isn´t satisfied with something small, He gives everything and expects everything.

The fellowship “River of Life” during its /more than 30-years´/ mission and praise service released 7 albums, on which there are totally 120 songs.

Všetko tvoríš nové 2020 (You make all things new)

A lot of things have changed recently and it is clear that old face of this world is passing away. We realize that God creates new things... or We don´t know how the future will look like, but we know, that we want to sing about God´s mercy to the end of days. That´s why the River of Live exists. Bohuš Živčák.

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Smiem 2013 (You have won me)

„Quickly stand up and shout to the world, that resurrected Lord lives“ – it is the news which every person needs to hear. That´s why the mission fellowship the River of Life has been here for years and that´s why a new CD has been here too... All songs shout to the world: Resurrected Lord lives! O. Michal Zamkovský.

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Neopustíš 2008 (You never let go)

hose few rare moments, when we can be together and sing to God, bring us unspeakable joy. God always knows exactly what we need to hear. Bohuš Živčák.

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Dávam všetko 2005 (I surrender)

We knew that we alone can´t handle it, that it is something that overgrows us. That´s why we joined the power of three communities – Calvary, House of Juda and River of Life. We wanted to put everything in it – Eucharist, music, singing, techniques, video, word, movement, dancing. It was a wonderful day, when the Bride – Church was enjoying her Groom /and it isn´t a poetic phrase/.

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Daj sa mi napiť 2001 (Under the waterfall)

We believe that also in Slovakia God seeks people, who have open and honest hearts, to all world see, that the salvation came to us and that Jesus is the only one who is worth to accept all praise. It is our desire for God to come closer through those songs. The true is hidden in our hearts. It is a desire to live fully. “I came so that they might have the life and have it more abundantly. /John 10,10/

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Nechaj rieku tiecť 1998 (Let the river flow)

The first official album of the River of Live fellowship. All those sogns originated during the prayer and they are determined for prayer. At each of them we in our fellowship experience the touch of God´s love in another way. Every song carries its special atmosphere and if it is sung with emotion it allows people to experience God´s closeness.

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Piesne chvál 1995 (Songs of praise)

“Album” on which River of Life participated in the time when it didn´t have its name and form yet. To release this album our friends from Poland and The Movement Light – Life helped. God´s love, spilled in our heart, encourages us to give praise to God by all heart, all soul, all mind. That´s why those songs lead us not only to fullness of worshiping in Holly Spirit, but also to the silence of adoration and respect in front of God.

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